Monday, April 22, 2013

“The Bystander”

Anti-Bullying Art Showcase by Dave Carpenter

This week we talked to local artist Dave Carpenter about his upcoming showcase, “The Bystander.” This anti-bullying display will feature art related to victims of bullying, as well as actually bullying testimonies from those who were bullied, bullies, and those who lost their lives as a result of bullying. This is an important issue in our community. Citizens for Safe Schools has been actively campaigning to start anti-bullying classes and information spread around our schools, including raising money for a national program and hiring more professional staff to instruct kids about the effects of bullying.

Nevada Parents Educating Parents Reports these startling statistics about bullying. 

Why is this a passionate issue for Dave? It begins with a song. Inspired by rock artist Shinedown’s song “Unity,” Dave first began the concept of an anti-bullying showcase. Last year, Dave, a navy veteran, and a fellow veteran attended a Shinedown concert in Knoxville, TN. Dave purchased front row seats and backstage passes, so that he could meet with the band personally and tell them how they had personally inspired him. After hearing their new release, “Bully,” he was intrigued at the story behind the song. Research lead him to the distressing story of Amanda Todd, a young woman who recently committed suicide due to bullying. Dave was appalled to see how many negative responses there was to the case of Ms. Todd, and decided that Shinedown had a point – Bullying happened everyday, everywhere, and there wasn't enough people doing anything about it to make a difference.

Dave and Shinedown 
(See the video with lyrics for Shinedown’s “Bully” here:

Already with a heart for the impact of social art, Dave decided that he could reach out to others, before they ended their life like Amanda. He wanted to create a mural, dedicated to those that lost their life to bullying, and create awareness that the bystander holds the life and death of a victim in his or her hands.

Dave has a different idea about anti-bullying programs. Unlike many programs that are informational based, his showcase seeks to present to the public the very real, and often lethal, consequences of bullying. He will also be demonstrating how kids that witness bullying, “the bystander” are affected.

Once a bystander himself, Dave looks back on the instance, and realized he had stood by and done nothing. Later in life, in the workplace, he was again a bystander. But this time, he took an active role and saved someone’s life. He wondered how many other people had had the same experience. He told us: “If you’re a bystander, the situation is gray. You’re forced to make a last minute decision that will impact your life forever. If you have a true heart to help someone, you can save someone’s life.”

Inspired by his professor at Klamath Community College, Dave decided to put his artist abilities to use by creating a large display of bullying inspired art and testimonies. Via the use of social media and personal contact, Dave has collected over 20 true stories about the bully, the victim, and the bystander.

Although Dave is hoping that his mural showcase will provide children and adults with the tools they need to stop bullying, he is also hoping to reach out to people who are bullies – not only children, but the parents that may not be aware of their child’s aggressive actions. David said, “It’s always easy [for parents] to say their kids is being bullied, but are you strong enough as a parent or loved one to step up and say your child IS the bully? Will you do something about it, so they don’t continue to hurt others people?”

 Whether you have been a victim, a bystander, or even been the bully, come witness Dave’s powerful art and messages about the effects of bullying. It will change your life. Stay tuned to their website below for information about this powerful showcase.

For more information about The Bystander and to submit a testimonial to become part of this bullying awareness project, please go to

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